scholarship opportunities

Work with one of our critically acclaimed writers in a workshop limited to five qualified participants. Each day, participants will bring manuscripts of their work-in-progress to their assigned workshop group where they will read, discuss and receive feedback about their projects from fellow participants and the assigned group leader. In addition, writers will meet with their faculty members one-on-one to discuss their manuscripts in detail. Scholarship covers six days and five nights lodging, meals, writing workshops, one-on-one manuscript consultations with nationally recognized authors, craft seminarsreadings, visiting agents and publishers, ferried transportation to the island, and special hotel rates for those who wish to visit Savannah before or after the Retreat. 

Thanks to generous contributions from the Diggs Family Foundation and patron Linda Waldren, we are able to offer three scholarships (one in each genre of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction) covering full tuition of the 2025 Spring Retreat. Application window is open until February 5, 2025.


Fiction application manuscripts should be 15-25 pages, typed, double-spaced (examples: a novel excerpt, a longer story, or two or more short stories). Scholarship applicants may submit a combination of published and unpublished work, observing length limit of 25 pages.

Poetry application manuscripts should be 10-12 pages, single-spaced. Scholarship applicants may submit a combination of published and unpublished work, observing length limits of 12 pages.

Nonfiction application manuscripts should be 15-25 pages, typed, double-spaced. Scholarship applicants may submit a combination of published and unpublished work, observing length limit of 25 pages.

The Ossabaw Writers’ Retreat Scholarships offer opportunities for both emerging and established writers to write, pursue advanced study, and benefit from mentorship of Ossabaw Writers’ Retreat faculty.

Please fill out the application below and submit by January 15, 2025. Application fee: $25

Hope to see you on the island come March 14th. Good luck!

Scholarship Application

Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB.
Price: $25.00